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Hello World

This is actually not the first time I am launching a blog. I have archived all my old (mostly russian) articles at, first post is dated from 2007, big amount of things changed since those times, I have changed, my interests had been changed. Also, this is more home page of mine, than just a blog. It will involve a lot of things I need, I use and I want to share with others.

I attend and I do like to read things on web in English, I like to deal with people using this language, that is why entire site and blog entries will be written in it. I am from Ukraine, that is not my native language, I still study it, so either my speech and texts are not fluent. Just feel free to ask anything in a case of misunderstanding.

The site is written in Python using Django Web framework and is powered by Django Pony (who is not currently here, but magic still works). Everything is hosted at my home server.

I am interested in web development, design and opensource movement. I guess I have just mentioned the main things I will be writting about. Despite, my mind is not limited with those, otherwise I do not want to have ABOUT EVERYTHING blog. Keeping a hope you will find something interesting here.

More information about me you can find at the related About page.